Favorite Web Design Resources: Colors
I really like to Work Smarter, Not Harder… So I keep a bookmarked folder of all my go-to web and graphic design resources in case I need a quick helping hand. This post will talk about a handful of my favorite color and color palette websites/generators.
Colors & Color Palettes
TinEye Labs
This website will pull all the hex colors from a photo. This is incredibly handy if a client sends me photos for web and brand inspiration.
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Color Blender
This is a great tool if you need a range of color codes between two colors. You put in your two main color codes and then how many steps you need in between. I know, I know, the site looks like it was built in 1995, but it’s simple and works. And that’s all that matters to me!
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Adobe Color
I use this tool a lot to look for color palettes. If a client wants a more nature/natural color theme, I can go here and search for those keywords and find a plethora of color themes.
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Do you have any resources you’d like to share?!
Please comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.